
Friday, June 30, 2023

Diversify Your Content Strategy Whiteboard Friday

Go from basic to a more advanced content strategy with Azeem in this Whiteboard Friday episode. Diversify your content strategy by creating the right content for your audience at the right time.

digital whiteboard image describing how to diversify your content strategy

Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!

Video Transcription

Hi, everyone. My name is Azeem. I'm the host of the "Azeem Digital Asks" podcast, and I'm here to show you a very brief whistle-stop tour of how you can diversify your content strategy on this Whiteboard Friday.

3 examples of where marketers get measurement wrong

3 examples of where marketers get measurement wrong

So I'm going to start off and make a very bold statement as a bald man and say that I think that we, as marketers, get measurement wrong, and I'm going to give you three examples here.

So if you are measuring brand awareness, for example, there are a number of things that you can measure, such as downloads, traffic, referrals, mentions. If you look at engagement as a key KPI, you'll be looking at things like links, likes, comments, shares, retweets, all that sort of stuff. For lead gen, you're typically looking at MQL, SQL, subscriptions, and call backs. So it's three very quick examples of how I think we get measurement wrong.

Create an advanced content strategy

how to create an advanced content strategy

When it comes to our audience, I think we know what they want, but we don't know how they want it, and I genuinely think that the internet is in a position now where hit and hope with just purely written content doesn't work anymore. I genuinely think the internet has moved on. So I'm going to show you a very brief way of how you can take your content strategy from basic to even better to hopefully advanced, and that starts with this.

I think a lot of marketers are in the basic section, and that is where you have a particular topic, topic X as I've listed there, and that is your framework for the rest of your content. So if you were talking about trees, for example, you might have trees as your topic, and that would be the framework to branch out and create even more of topic around trees to move on.

That's fine. That's where I think a lot of marketers are. The better version would be looking at UA, universal analytics or multi-channel funnels, understanding what performs well, and creating more content of that based on where your audience is in the purchase journey. Then the advanced version would be looking into GA4, splitting out your top five markets as I've put there, understanding how they perform with a data-driven attribution model, and creating the right content for the audience at the right time, the Holy Grail of what we are trying to achieve here.

How to use this information

examples of advanced content

I'll give you four examples of how you can actually use this information and take it away, and literally from tomorrow you can be able to improve your content strategy. So example 1 would be let's say you have set up scroll tracking and YouTube view measurements on your GA4. Layer the two together.

You can understand how, for example, your audience in France will be engaging with your content in the sense of how far do they scroll down on a page and how much of your videos on your page they are watching. Example 1 would be a particular audience that scrolls not a lot, but engages with video quite a lot. In which case, I would introduce very early on in the page long-form videos.

You know what your audience wants. Don't make them work for it. Don't make them scroll down the page, because you know what they want. Make it as simple for your audience as possible. Example 2 would be the opposite, where you know your audience will scroll quite a lot, but you know that they won't watch the videos that you put on the page. In which case, you can create highly-detailed content and then utilize remarketing to bring them back to your website.

The third example would be if you have an average scroll and an average video time, but a high ASD, which I have peddled as average settle duration. These are people that I call page hoppers. They're very likely going to be in the research stage of their journey, of their purchase journey. So this is where you want to focus on your brand and why you stand out against the rest of your competition.

The fourth example would be people who don't scroll and don't watch your videos at all. I think in that situation you've very clearly got a disconnect, but there is still an opportunity for you to introduce short-form videos earlier on in the purchase journey. Utilize this information, find out which one of the four you sit in, and use that to create your content strategy in a more diverse way by including audio, snippets, video teases of varying different formats, and I guarantee you'll be onto a winner and have more success with your content strategies moving forward.

I hope that in this very short video you've taken something away. You can find me on social media @AzeemDigital. If my SEO is any good, you should be able to type in "how can I contact Azeem" and you'll come across my website. Very much enjoyed being here. Thank you for having me, and I'll see you soon.

Video transcription by Speechpad.com

Azeem will be speaking at MozCon 2023 this August in Seattle! Join us for inspiring sessions with our incredible lineup of speakers.

We hope you're as excited as we are for August 7th and 8th to hurry up and get here. And again, if you haven't grabbed your ticket yet and need help making a case we have a handy template to convince your boss!

Register for MozCon

MozCon SEO conference 90% sold out

Diversify Your Content Strategy Whiteboard Friday

Go from basic to a more advanced content strategy with Azeem in this Whiteboard Friday episode. Diversify your content strategy by creating the right content for your audience at the right time.

digital whiteboard image describing how to diversify your content strategy

Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!

Video Transcription

Hi, everyone. My name is Azeem. I'm the host of the "Azeem Digital Asks" podcast, and I'm here to show you a very brief whistle-stop tour of how you can diversify your content strategy on this Whiteboard Friday.

3 examples of where marketers get measurement wrong

3 examples of where marketers get measurement wrong

So I'm going to start off and make a very bold statement as a bald man and say that I think that we, as marketers, get measurement wrong, and I'm going to give you three examples here.

So if you are measuring brand awareness, for example, there are a number of things that you can measure, such as downloads, traffic, referrals, mentions. If you look at engagement as a key KPI, you'll be looking at things like links, likes, comments, shares, retweets, all that sort of stuff. For lead gen, you're typically looking at MQL, SQL, subscriptions, and call backs. So it's three very quick examples of how I think we get measurement wrong.

Create an advanced content strategy

how to create an advanced content strategy

When it comes to our audience, I think we know what they want, but we don't know how they want it, and I genuinely think that the internet is in a position now where hit and hope with just purely written content doesn't work anymore. I genuinely think the internet has moved on. So I'm going to show you a very brief way of how you can take your content strategy from basic to even better to hopefully advanced, and that starts with this.

I think a lot of marketers are in the basic section, and that is where you have a particular topic, topic X as I've listed there, and that is your framework for the rest of your content. So if you were talking about trees, for example, you might have trees as your topic, and that would be the framework to branch out and create even more of topic around trees to move on.

That's fine. That's where I think a lot of marketers are. The better version would be looking at UA, universal analytics or multi-channel funnels, understanding what performs well, and creating more content of that based on where your audience is in the purchase journey. Then the advanced version would be looking into GA4, splitting out your top five markets as I've put there, understanding how they perform with a data-driven attribution model, and creating the right content for the audience at the right time, the Holy Grail of what we are trying to achieve here.

How to use this information

examples of advanced content

I'll give you four examples of how you can actually use this information and take it away, and literally from tomorrow you can be able to improve your content strategy. So example 1 would be let's say you have set up scroll tracking and YouTube view measurements on your GA4. Layer the two together.

You can understand how, for example, your audience in France will be engaging with your content in the sense of how far do they scroll down on a page and how much of your videos on your page they are watching. Example 1 would be a particular audience that scrolls not a lot, but engages with video quite a lot. In which case, I would introduce very early on in the page long-form videos.

You know what your audience wants. Don't make them work for it. Don't make them scroll down the page, because you know what they want. Make it as simple for your audience as possible. Example 2 would be the opposite, where you know your audience will scroll quite a lot, but you know that they won't watch the videos that you put on the page. In which case, you can create highly-detailed content and then utilize remarketing to bring them back to your website.

The third example would be if you have an average scroll and an average video time, but a high ASD, which I have peddled as average settle duration. These are people that I call page hoppers. They're very likely going to be in the research stage of their journey, of their purchase journey. So this is where you want to focus on your brand and why you stand out against the rest of your competition.

The fourth example would be people who don't scroll and don't watch your videos at all. I think in that situation you've very clearly got a disconnect, but there is still an opportunity for you to introduce short-form videos earlier on in the purchase journey. Utilize this information, find out which one of the four you sit in, and use that to create your content strategy in a more diverse way by including audio, snippets, video teases of varying different formats, and I guarantee you'll be onto a winner and have more success with your content strategies moving forward.

I hope that in this very short video you've taken something away. You can find me on social media @AzeemDigital. If my SEO is any good, you should be able to type in "how can I contact Azeem" and you'll come across my website. Very much enjoyed being here. Thank you for having me, and I'll see you soon.

Video transcription by Speechpad.com

Azeem will be speaking at MozCon 2023 this August in Seattle! Join us for inspiring sessions with our incredible lineup of speakers.

We hope you're as excited as we are for August 7th and 8th to hurry up and get here. And again, if you haven't grabbed your ticket yet and need help making a case we have a handy template to convince your boss!

Register for MozCon

MozCon SEO conference 90% sold out

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Explore the GA4 Integration with Moz Pro

Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, also known as GA4, and replaces the previous UA, or Universal Analytics version. GA4 uses machine learning technology to help analytics users understand customer behavior across multiple devices and platforms. It provides more granular data about user engagement and includes features such as event tracking, cross-device tracking, and funnel analysis.

With the GA4 migration underway, the time has come for all of us to embrace change, and don’t forget, you only have until July 1, 2023, before the switch to GA4 is permanent. In this Daily SEO Fix edition, we’ll take you through an introduction to GA4, along with how GA4 is integrated into the Moz Pro tool.

Introducing GA4

In this video, I’ll take you through an introduction to GA4, explaining the main differences as compared to UA so you can better understand why and how you should be using GA4.

How to Connect GA4 to Moz Pro

In this video, you’ll discover how to connect your GA4 account to Moz Pro. You’ll first need admin access to your Google Analytics account; from there, you can fly!

Understand the Site Traffic Tab

In this video, I’ll explain the analytics data you’ll see in the Site Traffic section of a Campaign. The Site Traffic section allows you to monitor your organic traffic for trends and insights.

Understand the Landing Pages Tab

In this video, I’ll guide you through the analytics data you’ll see in the Landing Pages tab in the Rankings section of a Campaign. Landing Pages uses your tracked keywords to help you determine which keywords may be sending your website traffic.

Learn more about GA4 in our Beginner’s Guide to Google Analytics.

Explore the GA4 Integration with Moz Pro

Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, also known as GA4, and replaces the previous UA, or Universal Analytics version. GA4 uses machine learning technology to help analytics users understand customer behavior across multiple devices and platforms. It provides more granular data about user engagement and includes features such as event tracking, cross-device tracking, and funnel analysis.

With the GA4 migration underway, the time has come for all of us to embrace change, and don’t forget, you only have until July 1, 2023, before the switch to GA4 is permanent. In this Daily SEO Fix edition, we’ll take you through an introduction to GA4, along with how GA4 is integrated into the Moz Pro tool.

Introducing GA4

In this video, I’ll take you through an introduction to GA4, explaining the main differences as compared to UA so you can better understand why and how you should be using GA4.

How to Connect GA4 to Moz Pro

In this video, you’ll discover how to connect your GA4 account to Moz Pro. You’ll first need admin access to your Google Analytics account; from there, you can fly!

Understand the Site Traffic Tab

In this video, I’ll explain the analytics data you’ll see in the Site Traffic section of a Campaign. The Site Traffic section allows you to monitor your organic traffic for trends and insights.

Understand the Landing Pages Tab

In this video, I’ll guide you through the analytics data you’ll see in the Landing Pages tab in the Rankings section of a Campaign. Landing Pages uses your tracked keywords to help you determine which keywords may be sending your website traffic.

Learn more about GA4 in our Beginner’s Guide to Google Analytics.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

12 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About from Q2 2023

image of building blocks on a map

Greetings, local business owners and marketers! I know I’m not alone in bidding a fond farewell to Local U’s fantastic Last Week in Local Series. It just got a bit harder to keep up with local SEO news due to this departure, but hang in there. This quarterly installment here at Moz will keep you up-to-date with the most important local search developments of the past three months. Let’s dive right into this summery swimming pool of changes and opportunities!

1. A first peek at local search in Google’s SGE

image of Google Search Generative experience showing a 5-pack of local results, a map, and other features in response to a local query

I was graciously invited to access Google Search Labs, and you can read my live-tweeted thread on my first look at Google’s test of their new Search Generative Experience. My first takeaways include:

  • A thumbs up on local searches, including a 5-pack of results but a thumbs down that the SGE pack does not click to anything else. No Local Finder for more results, meaning if your first five options are unhelpful, not to your liking, or even spam, you have to ask another question to see more options.

  • Some UX problems, like the map disappearing as soon as you click on any of the SGE pack results, meaning you can’t look at it again to see what the next-closest option might be, as well as formatting errors of the Google Business Profile overlapping the results as you toggle about within the experience, like this:
image of UX error in SGE, with Google Business profile overlapping results.
  • The interesting realization that once you are having a conversation, SGE remembers what you are talking about. In other words, if you search for “best tacos in san francisco” and then you follow up with something like “who has organic tacos?”, the bot still “knows” you are talking about San Francisco, even though you didn’t repeat the city name in your query. This is a quality of these chatty experiences that feels really novel to me.

  • An overall impression of this being even more of a closed loop/walled garden than the interfaces to which we’ve long been accustomed in local. Once inside this feature, you just stay inside it, which may be good for Google, but may not actually be best for users. Time will tell.

And as time is telling and you are waiting in line to get into SGE for your own look, I recommend reading:

Cool heads in the industry are refusing to give into the whole “SEO is dead thing” about AI, and I think local SEOs will be able to work with the SGE packs, should they roll out. My word to the wise local business owners out there: remember that not being robots may be your greatest asset. Even if automation brings customers to you via search/AI chat/SGE, polls consistently show that consumers shop locally for personalized service, and you can’t bot that.

2) Finalmente! A dedicated Google form for recovering missing reviews

Screenshot of Google's new review recovery form as shown in an article at NearMedia

Have you noticed an uptick in your Google Business Profile reviews disappearing since 2022? You’re not alone; experienced local SEOs like Mike Blumenthal have been reporting a high instance of legitimate review loss ever since Google switched to an AI-based review filter last year. The good news is, you can now follow along with Mike’s excellent tutorial for reporting missing reviews via a welcome new process.

Your workflow will start here and then continue through a series of steps that will hopefully result in your reviews being restored (no guarantees, of course!) As Mike points out, this development is an improvement, but the overall process is still rather onerous for business owners. I think AI-induced headaches should come with a bottle of AI-spirin for all users, especially when they involve reviews, due to the massive impact of this content on reputation, rankings and revenue.

3) Speaking of reviews, don’t acquire them via donations

Image of a sponsors page on a website for a festival

It’s always helpful when Google clarifies a grey area of their guidelines, and thanks to Joy Hawkins’ personal outreach, we now know that your local business should not ask for a review after giving a donation to a third party. In other words, if your grocery store donates $100 to the local no-kill animal shelter, Google says you must not ask them to “pay you back” with a review.

A much better idea is to view these philanthropic endeavors as a source of linked unstructured citations, of the kind picture above. It’s good business to be listed as a sponsor of local teams, events, and organizations, and it fits in very nicely with the “Authoritativeness” factor of Google’s E-E-A-T concept, with trusted local sites linking to and citing your company.

4) Video: the long and short of it

Screenshot of a tweet featuring a video in which animation causes a zooming in effect on a business storefront, turning a still shot into a video

Kudos to Andy Simpson for demoing this budget hack for using animation effects to turn local business photos into short videos. Videos are very hot in local right now, but the “short” part has been a cause of some recent puzzlement and parlaying.

Google’s guidelines for adding video to your GBPs state that your films should be 30 seconds long. However, experimentation by Darren Shaw indicates that it may actually be file size, not video length, which affects inclusion of your videos on your listings:

Darren Shaw's experimentation shows that he was able to add a video of more than 30 seconds in length by keeping the file size to 75 mb.

Note that, technically, videos over 30 seconds in length don’t meet the guidelines, but the worst thing that can happen to your business if you try for a longer length is that it won’t be approved. Could be worth a try, but safest best would be to film a 30-second version of your content, as well, just to be sure it has sticking power. Google definitely has its eye on video right now, and has launched YouTube shorts, which many see as a response to the TikTok phenomenon. Local businesses in competitive markets can easily film and upload to their GBPs dozens of aspects of their business premises, staff, inventory, community involvement and more!

5) Yes, that text could be from Google

Screenshot of Google texting a business owner to verify that their hours and open days are listed correctly.

Thanks to Molly Youngblood, we have the above screenshot of Google texting a business owner to verify some of their information, and Barry Schwartz lent a hand by confirming that text-based fact-checking communications are now, indeed, coming from Google. But please be careful with this. As Barry warns:

Google will never ask you to sign up for a service, make a payment, or provide sensitive personal information via calls or texts. Google will only text from phone numbers listed on this help page. Also if you want, you can opt-out by responding STOP to those messages (more on that here).”

6) Speaking of communications, how about chatting with a live agent?

Screenshot of Google Business Profile showing an option to 'chat with a live agent'

Joy Hawkins tweeted this capture of a Google Business Profile featuring a CTA to chat with a live agent and Joel Headley stepped up to explain that this catchy feature stems from Google BusinessMessages. Then, Aaron Weiche mentioned that if you’re using a third-party service like Leadferno to manage messaging, get in touch with them to coordinate making this appear on your listing. Any way you can be more accessible to your customers is worth investigating!

7) A mobile grid test packed with local results

Screenshot showing complex grid of local mobile results

This screenshot from a gentleman named Brandon (click to watch video capture) formed the basis of a blog post from Barry Schwartz in which he marveled at just how much local information is packed into this mobile grid display test. As we know, Google is always testing things and it’s honestly hard to know if you’ve seen a particular experiment before or if it’s truly new. This instance is certainly dense with local business results, to the point that I wonder how effectively users can navigate it. And, of course, I am really wondering where all this is headed if SGE rolls out to everyone’s phones.

8) Google Maps services button gets the spotlight

Screenshot showing services being shown before call buttons on some Google Maps listings

Allie Margeson has sharp eyes to have caught this slight but significant change in the ordering of CTA buttons on some maps listings, with the “services” button appearing to the left of the “call” button. When clicked on, that button can take your customers to a wealth of information about your business, if you’ve taken the time to provide it. Allie recommends:

  • Adding all your services with descriptions to your Google Business Profile

  • Adding any relevant predefined services Google suggests (remember, Joy Hawkins found these can impact rankings)

  • Adding all relevant categories to your listing so that you are offered as many predefined services as possible

  • Check back often to see if new services become available to you, or if any of your current ones have become outdated

Good advice!

9) A quick competitive analysis tip

The 'often searched together' section on a Google Business profile can list many of your competitors

There are many ways to suss out the businesses Google regards as your local competitors, including via the lengthy and thorough process of a formal audit, but for some very quick ideas, I think Mordy Oberstein’s tip is excellent.

If your Google Business Profile includes an “Often Searched Together” section, it’s inside information about what Google knows customers in your area are actually doing with search. If you click on this element, you will be taken to the local finder, with a “People also search for” heading (and you can see some debate in the Twitter thread over whether this is a re-branded People Also Asked segment):

when clicked on, the 'often searched together' feature goes to a local finder labeled 'people also search for'

Chances are, you should take a look at the businesses that come up in the format and study their marketing, SEO, and basic business operations, because you know your own customers are seeing them, too.

10) A bothersome Google Updates bug

Mike Blumenthal reports a bug relating to Google updates

In the real world, bugs are wonderful and support life on Earth in numerous ways and are never larger than your town, but in the Google world, a bug is no fun at all. Mike Blumenthal reported a bug in mid-May that caused listing owners to be unable to edit or remove their Google Updates (formerly known as Google Posts). This may have been confined to desktop devices because some respondents to his thread found a workaround in using their mobile phones to manage their updates. If you had trouble with a typo in a post that you couldn’t correct last month, try again. The bug appears to have been resolved.

And here’s hoping that Google again re-brands this useful feature with a little more thoughtfulness, because “updating” your “updates” is just a silly thing to have to say or contemplate. I don’t understand what the problem was with “posts”.

11) A confirmation that hiding your GBP address results in negative consequences

Screenshot of video showing side by side images of local pack rankings dropping as a result of hiding the GBP address

Anyone who has been reading my Moz column for any part of the past 12 years knows that I am a firm advocate of following the Guidelines for representing your business on Google when listing yourself in Google’s local product. Even when the guidelines don’t make good horse sense, I still advise sticking to them. But there is one instance of this in which Google makes it so very hard to go along with their thinking: the edict that home-based businesses should hide their addresses. Google says this of home-based service area business:

Guidelines instructing home-based service area businesses to hide their address on the GBP listings.

Watch this video and read this post to see how Joy Hawkins and her team at SterlingSky tested hiding the address for home-based businesses and confirmed that:

  • This resulted in a massive drop in local rankings

  • Which, of course, led to a significant drop in phone calls to the business

  • And it even made a local pack completely disappear until Joy’s agency added the address back in!

It’s long been speculated that compliance with Google’s ruling on this negatively impacts visibility, and this is doubtless why so many business owners list their addresses and hope not to be caught at it.

There is no good reason I can think of for Google to put home-based businesses at a disadvantage like this. I’d like to ask:

  1. Why should the plumber, the landscaper, the mobile auto repair specialist, the contractor, the mobile notary public, the therapist, the dog walker, and all the other small business professionals who are counted upon by whole communities be punished with lower rankings for adhering to Google’s guidelines?

  2. Why do these helpful businesses deserve less visibility and fewer phone calls if they operate from home instead of an office? This is a senseless bias on Google’s part.

  3. Where is the awareness from Google that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused a mass transition to working from home for safety’s sake? Why have the guidelines not been updated to reflect this world-changing reality that is very much still affecting both business owners and customers? This lack of currentness makes the guidelines feel as neglected as a GBP with a Christmas tree as its profile pic in July. Ignoring the real-world impacts of the pandemic doesn’t make them go away.

  4. How is it a better user experience for no local pack to show for queries if, as in Joy’s test, an address is hidden? How are towns better-resourced and better served by not being shown a list of local service providers?

  5. And, finally, what is the logic behind making any business hide its address in the first place? All of us have needed to hire an emergency plumber, locksmith, or towing service at some point, and we definitely want to see the addresses of the providers so that a) we can estimate how quickly the pros can get to us and b) we won’t be charged extra for them having to come a long way to our house or remote location. When we need help, we don’t care if the helper is coming from their living room or their office, but we do want to know exactly where they’re located so that we can make the most informed decision.

I’d urge Google to reconsider this section of their policy. It doesn’t match today’s reality of so many helpful folks working from home, and it just doesn’t feel right that compliance with the guidelines results in such negative consequences for both providers and customers. 

12) A local session with an adept

screenshot of a video uploaded to Twitter in which Darren Shaw performs a short local business audit

While this isn’t an update, per se, I want to invite you to spend eight minutes today watching Darren Shaw audit a Google Business Profile and website. If you’re just getting started with local search marketing, this short video will teach you a ton, and even if you’re more experienced, it’s a good thing to watch a recognized pro at work. As I mentioned to Darren:

Screenshot of Miriam Ellis celebrating seasoned local SEOs and Darren Shaw thanking her.

And thank you, Darren, and all of the local SEOs featured in today’s column, for the daily work you put in, sharing your findings with the community. Q2 has had some of the usual glitches and tests, but it also bears signs of significant potential change ahead. Let’s all keep learning together!

We hope you’re as excited as we are for August 7th and 8th to hurry up and get here. And again, if you haven’t grabbed your ticket yet and need help making a case we have a handy template to convince your boss!

Night Owl pricing is on through Jun 30th.

Register for MozCon

12 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About from Q2 2023

image of building blocks on a map

Greetings, local business owners and marketers! I know I’m not alone in bidding a fond farewell to Local U’s fantastic Last Week in Local Series. It just got a bit harder to keep up with local SEO news due to this departure, but hang in there. This quarterly installment here at Moz will keep you up-to-date with the most important local search developments of the past three months. Let’s dive right into this summery swimming pool of changes and opportunities!

1. A first peek at local search in Google’s SGE

image of Google Search Generative experience showing a 5-pack of local results, a map, and other features in response to a local query

I was graciously invited to access Google Search Labs, and you can read my live-tweeted thread on my first look at Google’s test of their new Search Generative Experience. My first takeaways include:

  • A thumbs up on local searches, including a 5-pack of results but a thumbs down that the SGE pack does not click to anything else. No Local Finder for more results, meaning if your first five options are unhelpful, not to your liking, or even spam, you have to ask another question to see more options.

  • Some UX problems, like the map disappearing as soon as you click on any of the SGE pack results, meaning you can’t look at it again to see what the next-closest option might be, as well as formatting errors of the Google Business Profile overlapping the results as you toggle about within the experience, like this:
image of UX error in SGE, with Google Business profile overlapping results.
  • The interesting realization that once you are having a conversation, SGE remembers what you are talking about. In other words, if you search for “best tacos in san francisco” and then you follow up with something like “who has organic tacos?”, the bot still “knows” you are talking about San Francisco, even though you didn’t repeat the city name in your query. This is a quality of these chatty experiences that feels really novel to me.

  • An overall impression of this being even more of a closed loop/walled garden than the interfaces to which we’ve long been accustomed in local. Once inside this feature, you just stay inside it, which may be good for Google, but may not actually be best for users. Time will tell.

And as time is telling and you are waiting in line to get into SGE for your own look, I recommend reading:

Cool heads in the industry are refusing to give into the whole “SEO is dead thing” about AI, and I think local SEOs will be able to work with the SGE packs, should they roll out. My word to the wise local business owners out there: remember that not being robots may be your greatest asset. Even if automation brings customers to you via search/AI chat/SGE, polls consistently show that consumers shop locally for personalized service, and you can’t bot that.

2) Finalmente! A dedicated Google form for recovering missing reviews

Screenshot of Google's new review recovery form as shown in an article at NearMedia

Have you noticed an uptick in your Google Business Profile reviews disappearing since 2022? You’re not alone; experienced local SEOs like Mike Blumenthal have been reporting a high instance of legitimate review loss ever since Google switched to an AI-based review filter last year. The good news is, you can now follow along with Mike’s excellent tutorial for reporting missing reviews via a welcome new process.

Your workflow will start here and then continue through a series of steps that will hopefully result in your reviews being restored (no guarantees, of course!) As Mike points out, this development is an improvement, but the overall process is still rather onerous for business owners. I think AI-induced headaches should come with a bottle of AI-spirin for all users, especially when they involve reviews, due to the massive impact of this content on reputation, rankings and revenue.

3) Speaking of reviews, don’t acquire them via donations

Image of a sponsors page on a website for a festival

It’s always helpful when Google clarifies a grey area of their guidelines, and thanks to Joy Hawkins’ personal outreach, we now know that your local business should not ask for a review after giving a donation to a third party. In other words, if your grocery store donates $100 to the local no-kill animal shelter, Google says you must not ask them to “pay you back” with a review.

A much better idea is to view these philanthropic endeavors as a source of linked unstructured citations, of the kind picture above. It’s good business to be listed as a sponsor of local teams, events, and organizations, and it fits in very nicely with the “Authoritativeness” factor of Google’s E-E-A-T concept, with trusted local sites linking to and citing your company.

4) Video: the long and short of it

Screenshot of a tweet featuring a video in which animation causes a zooming in effect on a business storefront, turning a still shot into a video

Kudos to Andy Simpson for demoing this budget hack for using animation effects to turn local business photos into short videos. Videos are very hot in local right now, but the “short” part has been a cause of some recent puzzlement and parlaying.

Google’s guidelines for adding video to your GBPs state that your films should be 30 seconds long. However, experimentation by Darren Shaw indicates that it may actually be file size, not video length, which affects inclusion of your videos on your listings:

Darren Shaw's experimentation shows that he was able to add a video of more than 30 seconds in length by keeping the file size to 75 mb.

Note that, technically, videos over 30 seconds in length don’t meet the guidelines, but the worst thing that can happen to your business if you try for a longer length is that it won’t be approved. Could be worth a try, but safest best would be to film a 30-second version of your content, as well, just to be sure it has sticking power. Google definitely has its eye on video right now, and has launched YouTube shorts, which many see as a response to the TikTok phenomenon. Local businesses in competitive markets can easily film and upload to their GBPs dozens of aspects of their business premises, staff, inventory, community involvement and more!

5) Yes, that text could be from Google

Screenshot of Google texting a business owner to verify that their hours and open days are listed correctly.

Thanks to Molly Youngblood, we have the above screenshot of Google texting a business owner to verify some of their information, and Barry Schwartz lent a hand by confirming that text-based fact-checking communications are now, indeed, coming from Google. But please be careful with this. As Barry warns:

Google will never ask you to sign up for a service, make a payment, or provide sensitive personal information via calls or texts. Google will only text from phone numbers listed on this help page. Also if you want, you can opt-out by responding STOP to those messages (more on that here).”

6) Speaking of communications, how about chatting with a live agent?

Screenshot of Google Business Profile showing an option to 'chat with a live agent'

Joy Hawkins tweeted this capture of a Google Business Profile featuring a CTA to chat with a live agent and Joel Headley stepped up to explain that this catchy feature stems from Google BusinessMessages. Then, Aaron Weiche mentioned that if you’re using a third-party service like Leadferno to manage messaging, get in touch with them to coordinate making this appear on your listing. Any way you can be more accessible to your customers is worth investigating!

7) A mobile grid test packed with local results

Screenshot showing complex grid of local mobile results

This screenshot from a gentleman named Brandon (click to watch video capture) formed the basis of a blog post from Barry Schwartz in which he marveled at just how much local information is packed into this mobile grid display test. As we know, Google is always testing things and it’s honestly hard to know if you’ve seen a particular experiment before or if it’s truly new. This instance is certainly dense with local business results, to the point that I wonder how effectively users can navigate it. And, of course, I am really wondering where all this is headed if SGE rolls out to everyone’s phones.

8) Google Maps services button gets the spotlight

Screenshot showing services being shown before call buttons on some Google Maps listings

Allie Margeson has sharp eyes to have caught this slight but significant change in the ordering of CTA buttons on some maps listings, with the “services” button appearing to the left of the “call” button. When clicked on, that button can take your customers to a wealth of information about your business, if you’ve taken the time to provide it. Allie recommends:

  • Adding all your services with descriptions to your Google Business Profile

  • Adding any relevant predefined services Google suggests (remember, Joy Hawkins found these can impact rankings)

  • Adding all relevant categories to your listing so that you are offered as many predefined services as possible

  • Check back often to see if new services become available to you, or if any of your current ones have become outdated

Good advice!

9) A quick competitive analysis tip

The 'often searched together' section on a Google Business profile can list many of your competitors

There are many ways to suss out the businesses Google regards as your local competitors, including via the lengthy and thorough process of a formal audit, but for some very quick ideas, I think Mordy Oberstein’s tip is excellent.

If your Google Business Profile includes an “Often Searched Together” section, it’s inside information about what Google knows customers in your area are actually doing with search. If you click on this element, you will be taken to the local finder, with a “People also search for” heading (and you can see some debate in the Twitter thread over whether this is a re-branded People Also Asked segment):

when clicked on, the 'often searched together' feature goes to a local finder labeled 'people also search for'

Chances are, you should take a look at the businesses that come up in the format and study their marketing, SEO, and basic business operations, because you know your own customers are seeing them, too.

10) A bothersome Google Updates bug

Mike Blumenthal reports a bug relating to Google updates

In the real world, bugs are wonderful and support life on Earth in numerous ways and are never larger than your town, but in the Google world, a bug is no fun at all. Mike Blumenthal reported a bug in mid-May that caused listing owners to be unable to edit or remove their Google Updates (formerly known as Google Posts). This may have been confined to desktop devices because some respondents to his thread found a workaround in using their mobile phones to manage their updates. If you had trouble with a typo in a post that you couldn’t correct last month, try again. The bug appears to have been resolved.

And here’s hoping that Google again re-brands this useful feature with a little more thoughtfulness, because “updating” your “updates” is just a silly thing to have to say or contemplate. I don’t understand what the problem was with “posts”.

11) A confirmation that hiding your GBP address results in negative consequences

Screenshot of video showing side by side images of local pack rankings dropping as a result of hiding the GBP address

Anyone who has been reading my Moz column for any part of the past 12 years knows that I am a firm advocate of following the Guidelines for representing your business on Google when listing yourself in Google’s local product. Even when the guidelines don’t make good horse sense, I still advise sticking to them. But there is one instance of this in which Google makes it so very hard to go along with their thinking: the edict that home-based businesses should hide their addresses. Google says this of home-based service area business:

Guidelines instructing home-based service area businesses to hide their address on the GBP listings.

Watch this video and read this post to see how Joy Hawkins and her team at SterlingSky tested hiding the address for home-based businesses and confirmed that:

  • This resulted in a massive drop in local rankings

  • Which, of course, led to a significant drop in phone calls to the business

  • And it even made a local pack completely disappear until Joy’s agency added the address back in!

It’s long been speculated that compliance with Google’s ruling on this negatively impacts visibility, and this is doubtless why so many business owners list their addresses and hope not to be caught at it.

There is no good reason I can think of for Google to put home-based businesses at a disadvantage like this. I’d like to ask:

  1. Why should the plumber, the landscaper, the mobile auto repair specialist, the contractor, the mobile notary public, the therapist, the dog walker, and all the other small business professionals who are counted upon by whole communities be punished with lower rankings for adhering to Google’s guidelines?

  2. Why do these helpful businesses deserve less visibility and fewer phone calls if they operate from home instead of an office? This is a senseless bias on Google’s part.

  3. Where is the awareness from Google that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused a mass transition to working from home for safety’s sake? Why have the guidelines not been updated to reflect this world-changing reality that is very much still affecting both business owners and customers? This lack of currentness makes the guidelines feel as neglected as a GBP with a Christmas tree as its profile pic in July. Ignoring the real-world impacts of the pandemic doesn’t make them go away.

  4. How is it a better user experience for no local pack to show for queries if, as in Joy’s test, an address is hidden? How are towns better-resourced and better served by not being shown a list of local service providers?

  5. And, finally, what is the logic behind making any business hide its address in the first place? All of us have needed to hire an emergency plumber, locksmith, or towing service at some point, and we definitely want to see the addresses of the providers so that a) we can estimate how quickly the pros can get to us and b) we won’t be charged extra for them having to come a long way to our house or remote location. When we need help, we don’t care if the helper is coming from their living room or their office, but we do want to know exactly where they’re located so that we can make the most informed decision.

I’d urge Google to reconsider this section of their policy. It doesn’t match today’s reality of so many helpful folks working from home, and it just doesn’t feel right that compliance with the guidelines results in such negative consequences for both providers and customers. 

12) A local session with an adept

screenshot of a video uploaded to Twitter in which Darren Shaw performs a short local business audit

While this isn’t an update, per se, I want to invite you to spend eight minutes today watching Darren Shaw audit a Google Business Profile and website. If you’re just getting started with local search marketing, this short video will teach you a ton, and even if you’re more experienced, it’s a good thing to watch a recognized pro at work. As I mentioned to Darren:

Screenshot of Miriam Ellis celebrating seasoned local SEOs and Darren Shaw thanking her.

And thank you, Darren, and all of the local SEOs featured in today’s column, for the daily work you put in, sharing your findings with the community. Q2 has had some of the usual glitches and tests, but it also bears signs of significant potential change ahead. Let’s all keep learning together!

We hope you’re as excited as we are for August 7th and 8th to hurry up and get here. And again, if you haven’t grabbed your ticket yet and need help making a case we have a handy template to convince your boss!

Night Owl pricing is on through Jun 30th.

Register for MozCon

Monday, June 26, 2023

The MozCon 2023 Final Agenda Has Touched Down!

It’s hard to believe that this year's MozCon is less than two months away, and we couldn't be more excited to dive into the future of search from our brand new venue, the Seattle Convention Center’s Summit building.

On August 7 and 8, join Roger Mozbot at MozCon for insights and tactical presentations from industry leaders, plus the opportunity to connect and network with fellow attendees!

Tickets are already 90% sold out, but there’s still a little bit of time to snag your spot before they’re gone. Night Owl pricing is on until June 30, and tickets are just $999 for Moz subscribers. Can’t make the in-person event? Grab yourself a Livestream pass + video bundle for $449 or just the Livestream pass as a standalone for $199.

Save my spot at MozCon!

We previously shared our Speaker lineup sneak peek in December, the Initial Agenda drop in April, and our Community Speaker reveal in May, but today, we’re ready to share the full and complete Final Agenda*. With our speakers putting the final polish on their presentations, here’s a look at the two action-packed days we have planned. (*exact start times subject to change)

Sunday, August 6

12:00pm–4:00pm – Optional early registration & badge pick up

Arriving in Seattle early and want to get a jump on picking up your badge? Drop by registration to check in and pick up your badge.

Monday, August 7

7:30am – Breakfast & Registration

9:00am – Opening remarks + state of the Industry

Cheryl Draper

Moz’s own Senior Growth Marketing Manager will be kicking things off early on the first day with a warm welcome, laying out all the pertinent details of the conference and setting the stage for what’s to come over the two days of MozCon.

9:15am – Google’s Just Not That Into You: Intent Switches During Core Updates

Lily Ray

If your website has been negatively impacted by a Google core update, it is common to immediately assume that there is something wrong with your site. However, there are many other factors that could explain why rankings changed during a core update, and understanding these are key to improving performance. You'll walk away from this session understanding how Google core updates work, how and why the results change, how to respond to being hit by an update, and how to future-proof your site.

9:45am – Why SEOs Need to Start Playing Offense Instead of Defense

Chris Long

In an industry overloaded with data, tools, algorithm changes, and a constantly evolving landscape, it's tough to know what to prioritize. Often, this leads SEO initiatives and strategies to be more reactive instead of proactive. In this session, Chris will show you how to shift to an offensive SEO mindset. This will help you better prioritize key initiatives, get stakeholder buy-in, and navigate a successful long-term SEO strategy. You'll leave this session understanding how to identify new markets to break into, leverage SEO data around key recommendations, utilize keyword segmentation to better inform your SEO strategy, and build a framework for setting up SEO experiments.

10:20am – A special announcement from Moz you’re not gonna want to miss!

10:25am – Morning networking break

10:40am – SEO Co-Conspirators: Navigating Complex Systems

Jackie Chu

SEOs have self-reported that the #1 challenge to their SEO program being successful is getting changes implemented. Additionally, we're often faced with constantly having to prove the value of SEO as a channel. In this talk, Jackie will focus on how you can source and uncover allies, enlist your coworkers, and successfully navigate the political landscape to get your project prioritized.

11:10am – Search Data at Scale

Daniel Waisberg

Are you using Search data effectively and at scale? In this presentation, Google Search Advocate Daniel Waisberg will present the data available today, and demonstrate the best methods of using Search Console bulk exports for scaling your SEO efforts. After this talk, you'll understand the challenges of using data to steer your strategy, and get the scoop on analyzing and visualizing this data to drive your product decisions!

11:45am – Community Speaker – Beyond the Written Word: Future-Proofing Your Content Strategy by Leveraging Multimedia Formats

Azeem Ahmad

In today's rapidly changing digital world, marketers must go beyond just written content to engage with their target audience in the right way. Consumers, including marketers themselves, now expect content that is visually appealing, easily digestible, and interactive. If you want to ensure the longevity of your content strategy and also be more adaptable to the changing landscape digitally, you'll need to leverage multimedia formats such as video, audio, and more. This talk will explore the benefits of incorporating these formats into your marketing strategy, including tips on how to create engaging content that resonates with your audience and boosts conversions/sales. By the end of this session, you'll have a clear understanding of how to future-proof your content strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

12:00pm – Birds of a Feather lunch discussion tables

1:30pm – From Fear to Forward Motion: Navigating the Future of Analytics with Confidence

Brie E. Anderson

What the heck even is GA4 and why are you being forced to use it? Get ready to explore the rapidly changing landscape of analytics! In this talk, we will explore the future of analytics and provide a step-by-step guide to adjusting to the big changes that lie ahead. We will discuss how to move from fear and resistance to embracing the transformation that is already taking place. You will leave with a blueprint for success that will help you future-proof your analytics strategy and unlock new possibilities for growth and innovation.

2:00pm – Down the Mountain

Noah Learner

Struggling to find your place in SEO? Want to break through to the next level, but feel like you’ve hit the wall? Join Noah Learner on the journey “Down the Mountain”, as he shares his evergreen framework for optimizing your career in any market. This framework - built on craft, people, critical thinking skills, and synthesizing data - will help you now and in the future, as you look for what’s next. You’ll learn a repeatable process and specific skills that will help you accelerate your career and make you impossible to ignore.

2:30pm – The SERP Is Dead, Long Live the SERP

Tom Capper

SEOs have complained for many years now, that the SERP just isn't what it used to be. We yearn for the simpler days of 10 blue links. But Google is changing for a reason, and SEOs have reason to be invested in its survival. Besides, not all SERP features are bad news. In this talk, Tom will look at Google's direction and the strategic imperatives that are forcing its hand. You'll walk away with a plan to unearth happiness (and organic revenue) in the brave new world.

3:05pm – Afternoon networking break

3:25pm – Headless SEO: I’m Sorry, But This Is Happening

Lidia Infante

Headless CMSes are on the rise, and headless SEO is quickly becoming an essential skill for SEOs. In this talk, Lidia will explain the concept of content modeling with RAL examples, which lies at the core of headless CMSes. By the end of this presentation, you will have a firm grasp of the limitations and advantages of headless SEO, and possess a checklist of 7 implementations you need to request from your development team.

4:00pm – Views on Views of Video SEO

Crystal Carter

Fifty-four percent of consumers report that they'd like to see more videos from brands, and video SERPs account for an average of 20% of untapped keyword opportunities. There's never been a better time to improve your video SEO! From on-page embeds to SERP visibility, and even in your backlink profile, video is an unrivaled tool for adding value to your content and improving your website's SEO outcomes. In this talk, Crystal explores what matters on the Google SERP, and what leads to success when optimizing the videos on your site.

4:30pm – The Evolution of Content & the Future of Our Industry

Ross Simmonds

Is it all over? Is the world as we knew it a wrap? With the rise of AI - is it realistic to assume that the world of SEO and content will stay the same? Or should we all start dusting off our resumes to try something new? In this presentation, Ross is going to share a blend of both the realities of how AI can be incorporated into our work (maybe to give us additional runway) and answer the question as to whether or not AI is actually coming for our jobs and what we can do to ensure that we're ahead of the curve when it comes to using these tools, embracing the technology and finding edges amidst rapid change.

5:00pm – Day 1 Closing address

5:15pm–7:00pm – Welcome reception happy hour brought to you by Moz + Kickbox

Join us at the Summit private rooftop garden terrace. Meet with fellow attendees and speakers over light refreshments and snacks, music, and stunning views of the city skyline. We look forward to bringing our community together to kick off MozCon 2023. See you there!

Tuesday, August 8

7:30am – Breakfast & Registration

9:00am – Back to the Future: What Lessons From Marketing History Can Tell Us About the Future

Andi Jarvis

"Marketing has changed more in the last decade than at any time in history.” There’s a blog published that features a version of this line roughly every 0.5 seconds* - but does anyone stop to consider if it’s accurate? Andi will demonstrate how marketing and audiences aren't really changing, and that the future of marketing is much the same as the past. Why is this important? Because people, not robots, sit at the heart of marketing. By the end of this talk, you'll understand how you get your customers back to the center of what you do, and how that will turbocharge your marketing efforts. Strap yourself into the MozCon time machine for a journey Back to the Future. *Stats entirely made up… much like the results used in most content marketing efforts.

9:30am – Lower Your Sheilds: The Bord Are Here* (* Written By ChapGPT)

Dr. Pete Meyers

From ChatGPT to Bing's Prometheus to Google's Bard, AI (specifically, Large Language Models) is disrupting search as we know it. We can fight the inevitable, or we can put these tools to work. Learn where AI chat excels, where it fails (sometimes spectacularly), and how to use these tools to not only keep your SEO job but also level up your SEO career.

10:00am – How to Use Brand SEO to Future-Proof Your Online Visibility

Miracle Inameti-Archibong

With digital ad spending projected to reach $701 billion in 2023, generic CTR dropping by 12% between position 1 and 2, the increase in no-click searches (+60%), and the constant rolling out of updates, it's more important than ever to build a sustainable online brand presence to algorithm-proof your traffic. This talk will explore how SEOs can contribute to brand building, and how it can help future-proof your online visibility.

10:35am – Morning networking break

10:55am – Build Better Backlinks for Local Brands

Amanda Jordan

As with everything in local SEO, backlinks are just a little different. What do local pack rankers typically have in common? To answer that question, we’ve collected backlink data across several home services businesses across the USA and categorized them. We’ll share our findings, and how you can build better backlinks for local clients! By the end of this session, you'll be able to list the different types of backlinks local businesses typically have, identify which link types correlate with stronger rankings, and most importantly, how to apply this to your clients!

11:25am – Community Speaker – Rethink Your Industry Pages - They’re Not What You Think

Jason Dodge

B2B marketers, and SEOs alike, are all too quick to create industry-specific landing pages for every single vertical we serve. In reality, these pages have very little relevance to what your customers are actually searching for, or what it is that you actually do in that space - limiting the reach and missing out on potential customers who would benefit from your solutions. Are you ready to reimagine your entire industry vertical proposition? Jason will explain the ins and outs of industry pages, their role in content marketing, and - more importantly - how optimizing content around the pain points and direct needs of your customers is more relevant now in B2B marketing than ever before.

11:40am – Hiring the Perfect Agency: How to Avoid Getting Burned

Duane Brown

A 2022 Upwork study shows that 39% of the U.S. workforce freelances. Just think about how many more ad agencies exist today, as compared to 2019. You’d think that hiring would be easier with all of these options, but nothing could be further from the truth. Hiring is a valuable skill, and we are going to give you the skills to hire that next agency. By the end of this session, you'll be able to identify agencies that are the best fit for your brand, effectively interview prospects, avoid pricing ambiguity and pitfalls, partake in productive onboarding, and look for meaningful results and metrics. Let's get you the skills to hire better next time!

12:15pm – Birds of a Feather lunch discussion tables

1:45pm – Dominating TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and Amazon SERPs as Consumer Behavior Changes

Carrie Rose

As search volumes rapidly change and users use new platforms such as TikTok for search, how should SEOs respond? Carrie will share her process of dominating all SERPS - not just Google! Discover how SEO fits within the user journey, and the role content can play for both offsite and onsite content, generating links and search demand. You'll learn how advertising and SEO overlap, and what we can learn from award-winning advertising as part of search strategies.

2:15pm – Entities Are the Past: Search Is Going Multidimensional

Tom Anthony

For years, "keywords" were everything in search, and then came the rise of 'the entity'. Tom believes that the time of the entity will soon be over, and will explain how Deep Learning 'latent spaces' are highlighting that entities were 1-dimensional thinking. The future of search is going to be about context, and it isn't far off. You'll walk away from this session with a new technique that will replace keyword research so that you can prepare, and ideally, get ahead of the competition.

2:50pm – Mind the Gap: Bridging Generational Differences in SEO

Jes Scholz

To keep up with the ever-evolving needs of users, Google is transforming from being a search engine to an ecosystem of experiences that often reach people before they need to search. Discover, Google Lens, YouTube Shorts, and Bard are just a few examples of this shift towards richer, more engaging surfaces. By the end of this talk, you'll be able to leverage these new visibility platforms to improve organic performance and future-proof your brand.

3:20pm – Afternoon networking break

3:40pm – Talk Title To Be Announced

Speaker To Be Announced

4:15pm – Talk Title To Be Announced

Wil Reynolds

5:00pm – Closing remarks: Farewell & thank You

7:00pm–10:00pm – MozCon bash at MoPOP brought to you by Moz + CopyPress

Karaoke: check! Photo booth: check! DJL check! Join us for one last hurrah as we take over MoPOP. You won't want to miss our legendary closing night bash — we'll have plenty of games, food, and fun as we mix and mingle, say "see ya soon" to friends new and old, and reminisce over our favorite lessons from the past 2 days.

See you there?

Chatting with speakers, connecting with peers and potential partners at a Birds of a Feather lunch table, absorbing all the knowledge for another fruitful year of marketing... we can't wait to share it with you! Get your ticket now and we'll see you in August!

We hope you're as excited as we are for August 7th and 8th to hurry up and get here. And again, if you haven't grabbed your ticket yet and need help making a case we have a handy template to convince your boss!

Night Owl pricing is on through Jun 30th.

Image starting that MozCon tickets are 90% sold out.

Register for MozCon

The MozCon 2023 Final Agenda Has Touched Down!

It’s hard to believe that this year's MozCon is less than two months away, and we couldn't be more excited to dive into the future of search from our brand new venue, the Seattle Convention Center’s Summit building.

On August 7 and 8, join Roger Mozbot at MozCon for insights and tactical presentations from industry leaders, plus the opportunity to connect and network with fellow attendees!

Tickets are already 90% sold out, but there’s still a little bit of time to snag your spot before they’re gone. Night Owl pricing is on until June 30, and tickets are just $999 for Moz subscribers. Can’t make the in-person event? Grab yourself a Livestream pass + video bundle for $449 or just the Livestream pass as a standalone for $199.

Save my spot at MozCon!

We previously shared our Speaker lineup sneak peek in December, the Initial Agenda drop in April, and our Community Speaker reveal in May, but today, we’re ready to share the full and complete Final Agenda*. With our speakers putting the final polish on their presentations, here’s a look at the two action-packed days we have planned. (*exact start times subject to change)

Sunday, August 6

12:00pm–4:00pm – Optional early registration & badge pick up

Arriving in Seattle early and want to get a jump on picking up your badge? Drop by registration to check in and pick up your badge.

Monday, August 7

7:30am – Breakfast & Registration

9:00am – Opening remarks + state of the Industry

Cheryl Draper

Moz’s own Senior Growth Marketing Manager will be kicking things off early on the first day with a warm welcome, laying out all the pertinent details of the conference and setting the stage for what’s to come over the two days of MozCon.

9:15am – Google’s Just Not That Into You: Intent Switches During Core Updates

Lily Ray

If your website has been negatively impacted by a Google core update, it is common to immediately assume that there is something wrong with your site. However, there are many other factors that could explain why rankings changed during a core update, and understanding these are key to improving performance. You'll walk away from this session understanding how Google core updates work, how and why the results change, how to respond to being hit by an update, and how to future-proof your site.

9:45am – Why SEOs Need to Start Playing Offense Instead of Defense

Chris Long

In an industry overloaded with data, tools, algorithm changes, and a constantly evolving landscape, it's tough to know what to prioritize. Often, this leads SEO initiatives and strategies to be more reactive instead of proactive. In this session, Chris will show you how to shift to an offensive SEO mindset. This will help you better prioritize key initiatives, get stakeholder buy-in, and navigate a successful long-term SEO strategy. You'll leave this session understanding how to identify new markets to break into, leverage SEO data around key recommendations, utilize keyword segmentation to better inform your SEO strategy, and build a framework for setting up SEO experiments.

10:20am – A special announcement from Moz you’re not gonna want to miss!

10:25am – Morning networking break

10:40am – SEO Co-Conspirators: Navigating Complex Systems

Jackie Chu

SEOs have self-reported that the #1 challenge to their SEO program being successful is getting changes implemented. Additionally, we're often faced with constantly having to prove the value of SEO as a channel. In this talk, Jackie will focus on how you can source and uncover allies, enlist your coworkers, and successfully navigate the political landscape to get your project prioritized.

11:10am – Search Data at Scale

Daniel Waisberg

Are you using Search data effectively and at scale? In this presentation, Google Search Advocate Daniel Waisberg will present the data available today, and demonstrate the best methods of using Search Console bulk exports for scaling your SEO efforts. After this talk, you'll understand the challenges of using data to steer your strategy, and get the scoop on analyzing and visualizing this data to drive your product decisions!

11:45am – Community Speaker – Beyond the Written Word: Future-Proofing Your Content Strategy by Leveraging Multimedia Formats

Azeem Ahmad

In today's rapidly changing digital world, marketers must go beyond just written content to engage with their target audience in the right way. Consumers, including marketers themselves, now expect content that is visually appealing, easily digestible, and interactive. If you want to ensure the longevity of your content strategy and also be more adaptable to the changing landscape digitally, you'll need to leverage multimedia formats such as video, audio, and more. This talk will explore the benefits of incorporating these formats into your marketing strategy, including tips on how to create engaging content that resonates with your audience and boosts conversions/sales. By the end of this session, you'll have a clear understanding of how to future-proof your content strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

12:00pm – Birds of a Feather lunch discussion tables

1:30pm – From Fear to Forward Motion: Navigating the Future of Analytics with Confidence

Brie E. Anderson

What the heck even is GA4 and why are you being forced to use it? Get ready to explore the rapidly changing landscape of analytics! In this talk, we will explore the future of analytics and provide a step-by-step guide to adjusting to the big changes that lie ahead. We will discuss how to move from fear and resistance to embracing the transformation that is already taking place. You will leave with a blueprint for success that will help you future-proof your analytics strategy and unlock new possibilities for growth and innovation.

2:00pm – Down the Mountain

Noah Learner

Struggling to find your place in SEO? Want to break through to the next level, but feel like you’ve hit the wall? Join Noah Learner on the journey “Down the Mountain”, as he shares his evergreen framework for optimizing your career in any market. This framework - built on craft, people, critical thinking skills, and synthesizing data - will help you now and in the future, as you look for what’s next. You’ll learn a repeatable process and specific skills that will help you accelerate your career and make you impossible to ignore.

2:30pm – The SERP Is Dead, Long Live the SERP

Tom Capper

SEOs have complained for many years now, that the SERP just isn't what it used to be. We yearn for the simpler days of 10 blue links. But Google is changing for a reason, and SEOs have reason to be invested in its survival. Besides, not all SERP features are bad news. In this talk, Tom will look at Google's direction and the strategic imperatives that are forcing its hand. You'll walk away with a plan to unearth happiness (and organic revenue) in the brave new world.

3:05pm – Afternoon networking break

3:25pm – Headless SEO: I’m Sorry, But This Is Happening

Lidia Infante

Headless CMSes are on the rise, and headless SEO is quickly becoming an essential skill for SEOs. In this talk, Lidia will explain the concept of content modeling with RAL examples, which lies at the core of headless CMSes. By the end of this presentation, you will have a firm grasp of the limitations and advantages of headless SEO, and possess a checklist of 7 implementations you need to request from your development team.

4:00pm – Views on Views of Video SEO

Crystal Carter

Fifty-four percent of consumers report that they'd like to see more videos from brands, and video SERPs account for an average of 20% of untapped keyword opportunities. There's never been a better time to improve your video SEO! From on-page embeds to SERP visibility, and even in your backlink profile, video is an unrivaled tool for adding value to your content and improving your website's SEO outcomes. In this talk, Crystal explores what matters on the Google SERP, and what leads to success when optimizing the videos on your site.

4:30pm – The Evolution of Content & the Future of Our Industry

Ross Simmonds

Is it all over? Is the world as we knew it a wrap? With the rise of AI - is it realistic to assume that the world of SEO and content will stay the same? Or should we all start dusting off our resumes to try something new? In this presentation, Ross is going to share a blend of both the realities of how AI can be incorporated into our work (maybe to give us additional runway) and answer the question as to whether or not AI is actually coming for our jobs and what we can do to ensure that we're ahead of the curve when it comes to using these tools, embracing the technology and finding edges amidst rapid change.

5:00pm – Day 1 Closing address

5:15pm–7:00pm – Welcome reception happy hour brought to you by Moz + Kickbox

Join us at the Summit private rooftop garden terrace. Meet with fellow attendees and speakers over light refreshments and snacks, music, and stunning views of the city skyline. We look forward to bringing our community together to kick off MozCon 2023. See you there!

Tuesday, August 8

7:30am – Breakfast & Registration

9:00am – Back to the Future: What Lessons From Marketing History Can Tell Us About the Future

Andi Jarvis

"Marketing has changed more in the last decade than at any time in history.” There’s a blog published that features a version of this line roughly every 0.5 seconds* - but does anyone stop to consider if it’s accurate? Andi will demonstrate how marketing and audiences aren't really changing, and that the future of marketing is much the same as the past. Why is this important? Because people, not robots, sit at the heart of marketing. By the end of this talk, you'll understand how you get your customers back to the center of what you do, and how that will turbocharge your marketing efforts. Strap yourself into the MozCon time machine for a journey Back to the Future. *Stats entirely made up… much like the results used in most content marketing efforts.

9:30am – Lower Your Sheilds: The Bord Are Here* (* Written By ChapGPT)

Dr. Pete Meyers

From ChatGPT to Bing's Prometheus to Google's Bard, AI (specifically, Large Language Models) is disrupting search as we know it. We can fight the inevitable, or we can put these tools to work. Learn where AI chat excels, where it fails (sometimes spectacularly), and how to use these tools to not only keep your SEO job but also level up your SEO career.

10:00am – How to Use Brand SEO to Future-Proof Your Online Visibility

Miracle Inameti-Archibong

With digital ad spending projected to reach $701 billion in 2023, generic CTR dropping by 12% between position 1 and 2, the increase in no-click searches (+60%), and the constant rolling out of updates, it's more important than ever to build a sustainable online brand presence to algorithm-proof your traffic. This talk will explore how SEOs can contribute to brand building, and how it can help future-proof your online visibility.

10:35am – Morning networking break

10:55am – Build Better Backlinks for Local Brands

Amanda Jordan

As with everything in local SEO, backlinks are just a little different. What do local pack rankers typically have in common? To answer that question, we’ve collected backlink data across several home services businesses across the USA and categorized them. We’ll share our findings, and how you can build better backlinks for local clients! By the end of this session, you'll be able to list the different types of backlinks local businesses typically have, identify which link types correlate with stronger rankings, and most importantly, how to apply this to your clients!

11:25am – Community Speaker – Rethink Your Industry Pages - They’re Not What You Think

Jason Dodge

B2B marketers, and SEOs alike, are all too quick to create industry-specific landing pages for every single vertical we serve. In reality, these pages have very little relevance to what your customers are actually searching for, or what it is that you actually do in that space - limiting the reach and missing out on potential customers who would benefit from your solutions. Are you ready to reimagine your entire industry vertical proposition? Jason will explain the ins and outs of industry pages, their role in content marketing, and - more importantly - how optimizing content around the pain points and direct needs of your customers is more relevant now in B2B marketing than ever before.

11:40am – Hiring the Perfect Agency: How to Avoid Getting Burned

Duane Brown

A 2022 Upwork study shows that 39% of the U.S. workforce freelances. Just think about how many more ad agencies exist today, as compared to 2019. You’d think that hiring would be easier with all of these options, but nothing could be further from the truth. Hiring is a valuable skill, and we are going to give you the skills to hire that next agency. By the end of this session, you'll be able to identify agencies that are the best fit for your brand, effectively interview prospects, avoid pricing ambiguity and pitfalls, partake in productive onboarding, and look for meaningful results and metrics. Let's get you the skills to hire better next time!

12:15pm – Birds of a Feather lunch discussion tables

1:45pm – Dominating TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and Amazon SERPs as Consumer Behavior Changes

Carrie Rose

As search volumes rapidly change and users use new platforms such as TikTok for search, how should SEOs respond? Carrie will share her process of dominating all SERPS - not just Google! Discover how SEO fits within the user journey, and the role content can play for both offsite and onsite content, generating links and search demand. You'll learn how advertising and SEO overlap, and what we can learn from award-winning advertising as part of search strategies.

2:15pm – Entities Are the Past: Search Is Going Multidimensional

Tom Anthony

For years, "keywords" were everything in search, and then came the rise of 'the entity'. Tom believes that the time of the entity will soon be over, and will explain how Deep Learning 'latent spaces' are highlighting that entities were 1-dimensional thinking. The future of search is going to be about context, and it isn't far off. You'll walk away from this session with a new technique that will replace keyword research so that you can prepare, and ideally, get ahead of the competition.

2:50pm – Mind the Gap: Bridging Generational Differences in SEO

Jes Scholz

To keep up with the ever-evolving needs of users, Google is transforming from being a search engine to an ecosystem of experiences that often reach people before they need to search. Discover, Google Lens, YouTube Shorts, and Bard are just a few examples of this shift towards richer, more engaging surfaces. By the end of this talk, you'll be able to leverage these new visibility platforms to improve organic performance and future-proof your brand.

3:20pm – Afternoon networking break

3:40pm – Talk Title To Be Announced

Speaker To Be Announced

4:15pm – Talk Title To Be Announced

Wil Reynolds

5:00pm – Closing remarks: Farewell & thank You

7:00pm–10:00pm – MozCon bash at MoPOP brought to you by Moz + CopyPress

Karaoke: check! Photo booth: check! DJL check! Join us for one last hurrah as we take over MoPOP. You won't want to miss our legendary closing night bash — we'll have plenty of games, food, and fun as we mix and mingle, say "see ya soon" to friends new and old, and reminisce over our favorite lessons from the past 2 days.

See you there?

Chatting with speakers, connecting with peers and potential partners at a Birds of a Feather lunch table, absorbing all the knowledge for another fruitful year of marketing... we can't wait to share it with you! Get your ticket now and we'll see you in August!

We hope you're as excited as we are for August 7th and 8th to hurry up and get here. And again, if you haven't grabbed your ticket yet and need help making a case we have a handy template to convince your boss!

Night Owl pricing is on through Jun 30th.

Image starting that MozCon tickets are 90% sold out.

Register for MozCon